reid cares foundation is definitely a site you'll want to bookmark. The site gives you access to over 3.7 million college scholarships & grants.
This online guide is the largest directory of scholarships and financial aid opportunities for African American and other minority students. It's free, user-friendly and offers a wealth of information for students.
foster student grants
foster student grants
"This federally funded program offers grants to Pennsylvania undergraduate students aging out of foster care who are attending an eligible post-secondary institution.
PHEAA administers the Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant (Chafee) Program on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services as authorized under the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 and amended by the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001."
Philly Goes 2 College - Philadelphia Students
Philly Goes 2 College - Philadelphia Students
"From help with scholarships and financial aid, preparing for the SATs and filling out forms like the FAFSA, to finding and applying to the right school or college, we can be your guide. Our services are citywide and always free." - Philly Goes 2 College
Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Foundation
"At the Philadelphia Foundation, we believe that connecting ambitious students with needed financial support is one of the most meaningful ways to positively impact the next generation. And our donors do, too. Our scholarship funds were established by generous individuals, families, businesses and organizations to ensure that local students have the opportunity to pursue their educational dreams.
Learn about the nearly 50 annual scholarships offered through the Philadelphia Foundation. Each scholarship has individual criteria, deadline and requirements." - Phila Foundation website
"Historically Black Colleges & Universities represent some of the oldest institutions of higher education operating in the United States." has created a guide that lists 50 scholarships available for HBCU students, provides details for how to land them, and where to find more information.